

Amino acids
Small organic molecules which, assembled into long chains build proteins. With twenty of them found within proteins, they are a necessity in our diet. Some are salty, others sweet or bitter.
This is one of the factors responsible for coagulation of the milk in addition to temperature and the addition of rennet. It appears at the start of lactic acid fermentation.
AOC - Controlled Designation of Origin
A product that has been awarded Controlled Designation of Origin status, reflecting an intimate link between its production and the specific area in which it is produced, all recognised and upheld by skilled men with a high level of know-how. For each AOC, specific regulations exist regarding the history of the product, the specific area in which it is produced, and defining permitted production practices.
This forms part of the stomach lying between the rumen and the inner mucosa, which is constantly kept moist by gastric juice. The abomasum of calves is used to make rennet.


This refers to the period of time in which the cheese is stored in a cellar, at a constant or changing temperature and level of humidity. It is the period of time in which the Reblochon will be tended, turned, washed with salt water, and which - through the action of enzymes, yeast and moulds - will culminate in the perfect point of maturity, ready for consumption. Through their know-how and the practice of their art, the ripener's job is to develop young or so-called "white" cheeses to reach their perfect level of maturity. They play a decisive role in terms of the Reblochon produced.
Raw milk
Refers to milk that has not undergone any heat treatment.
A preparation based on the inner mucosa of unweaned calves, used to coagulate milk.


PDO - Protected Designation of Origin
A term employed by the European Community in 1996 resulting in AOC being replaced by this designation in the European Union.
PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
A name instituted by the European Community in 1996.
An assembly of amino acids serving to build and maintain cell structure. Protein plays an important role in diet (protides).
The breaking down of proteins into progressively simple molecules to the point of releasing amino acids.


The sensory impression of food contained in the mouth, perceived by the olfactory system at the back of the throat.
Plant species occurring in a particular geographical location. By extension, all the flavours that we can taste in the milk and that flavour Reblochon.


A living organism that plays a role in the transformation of organic matter.


Coagulation and Curds
Coagulation: Coagulation of milk through the addition of rennet. The milk is placed in large vats where it coagulates following the addition of a dose of rennet. Curds: the milk substance obtained through natural (lactic acidosis) or artificial (rennet) coagulation.
The main protein in milk. The action of rennet allows the milk to coagulate. It also plays a role in the production of the small green or red pellets incorporated in the Reblochon's rind.
An association whose members participate equally in terms of work, management and profit. By extension, a milk cooperative is an operation in which milk producers share means of collection, transformation, ripening and/or sales, in order to gain the most profit from their yield: milk. A cooperative where milk is processed is also called a cheese dairy.


The act of introducing the required enzymes into the milk for cheese production.


Wet fodder that is stored in a silo and fermented. This type of feed is not permitted for cows producing milk used for Reblochon.


White cheese
A cheese that has been recently produced, whose rind has not yet formed on its surface.
Otherwise known as milk serum. The liquid part obtained from coagulated milk.


"Fruitière" (French cheese dairy)
A traditional cheese dairy located in the Savoie Mountain Range. Often taking the form of a cooperative structure, it groups together many different milk producers who employ a cheese maker. The French word for cheese dairy, "fructerie", is derived from old French, designating the association of several different producers who pooled their milk to make it "fruitful", in other words, to produce large quantities of cheese.


An emission contained in the air that we breathe. It is conveyed through the nose and perceived by the olfactory organs.
The overall formation of eyes and holes that appear in the body of cheese during maturing.


The sensory properties of food that are related to its constitution.